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Buy From Me Gold

I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich (Rev 3:18).

It often escapes our attention because this particular verse talks about spending for the Lord. The Lord says, Buy from me gold. But because of greed, people will just want to take the gold for free. The Lord said, to buy; meaning that there should be payment.

Our service to God very much involves our finances. As David said, he will not offer to the Lord offerings that cost him nothing (2Sa 24:24). We cannot come to God empty handed. By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh (Heb 11:4).

It should be clear to every Christian that finances are an integral part of our walk by faith. Money is a very important resource for the work of the ministry. Without money, the ministry would just not move. The Apostle Paul couldn’t have accomplished so much if he was left without financial support. So much so that he says to the Corinthians, he robbed other churches so that he can minister to them (2Co 11:8). And that is really where our offerings go, to others who also need to hear the message of the Lord’s salvation.

But the benefit of giving is not only towards them that receive it but to the giver himself for the Scripture says, that thou mayest be rich. Now, if God wanted us to give so that we can be rich, wouldn’t it be wise to follow Him?

It doesn’t really matter how big or how small we give, for God expects only that which we are able to give (2Co 8:12). If you are able to give much, then all is well for you. But if you are able to give only little, the more that you needed to give. The reason may be for your troubled finances, is your lack of desire to give. But to him who was faithful with very little, he was given authority over ten cities (Luk 19:17)!

And so let us be wise and buy from Him gold. The next time you come to church, bring with you some money to purchase you some gold. :-)


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