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A faith that would make you jump off a building

One Pastor said, don't throw away your common sense. I say, indeed it is a faculty that God has given to man and we should put it to good use. God has given us sound mind and so no Christian would jump off a building thinking that the angels of God would catch him.

But born again Christians are branded as being crazy about Jesus and true enough we are. We have come to a relationship with God that our faith has become alien to the world. We believe it when the bible says with God, all things are possible. Does that include jumping off the building? Technically yes! Jesus walked on water and he ascended to heaven defying all the laws of gravity. Phillip was taken by the Spirit and was found in another city. Moses parted the red sea, Elijah called fire to fall from the sky. Kuya Vic suffered a car crash, lost his kidneys to alcohol and yet he is still alive only to find that the Lord had planned for him in the ministry. And just take a look at the ministry of Pastor Chris! 

Unless our faith is the type that can make us jump off a building, we will never see the excellencies of God. But that does not necessarily mean that one has to jump off a building. What I'm saying is that, there is a force greater than the gravitational pull of the planets, and unless we are willing to unlearn certain norms, we will never see the glory of God.


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