One doctrine that only a true believer can understand is about surrender. Surrender is such a powerful, wonderful, awesome experience! It is so awesome only a person who has experienced it can relate to another person sharing it. Surrender is saying, I am yours LORD. And yet it is more than that. It is saying, I am willing to follow, I give my all. And yet it is more than that. It is so awesome, so wonderful, so powerful, when a man's spirit communes with God's Spirit and confesses: "I am yours LORD, I am willing to follow, I give my all." Those are fairly simple words, but if it comes from within deep a man's heart, it brings such tremendous freedom that the inner man experience, and he is translated up into the next level of his relationship with the LORD; our King, our Father, our God. And it brings forth a new revelation that because he gives his all, he gains all in Christ!
Why faith? What is there that we need to know about faith? Why is it that without faith it is impossible to please God? Why did the Lord say, according to your faith be it done unto you? And a lot of times did He say, rise and go your way, your faith has made you well. What is faith? One thing is settled in my heart. It’s not really something so out of this world or something so mind blowing. The Bible does not refer to a special thing or meaning when it talks about faith, or some great mystery hidden behind it. It is as plain and simple as described in the common dictionary. Faith is but the strong belief or conviction in one’s heart. What ever you believe in, that is where your faith is. So when God talks about faith, He means a strong conviction in one’s heart, not doubting, but a firm unwavering conviction that His Word is a settled truth, not subject to debate or argument or whatever. It is settled. Walking by faith and not by sight simply means that we don’t change what we be...