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Pastor Chris Lectures

"Guard your heart with all diligence (Proverbs 43:23). Be careful what you listen to. When you stop listening to the voice of God, you start making the wrong decisions (Romans 8:14). Don’t expose yourself to just any kind of information. The information you allow in, will determine the state of your heart. Remember, your life will only reveal the information you have on the inside. Let your spirit always remain under the influence of the Word of God".

"The Word of God is the answer to all of man’s challenges and life’s crises. It encompasses all the things that you will ever need in your life. It is the only prerequisite for a successful and victorious life. Pay attention to God’s Word, to do what it says and to enjoy all the benefits that have been made available to you in it".

"Choose your words carefully; speak faith and not fear. Don’t say a thing just because that is how the situation seems or what everyone else is saying. Stand firm on God’s Word until it produces in you that which it talks about. Let your utterances be full of faith, always".

"God wants you to grow in grace (2 Peter 3:18). Grace is the divine influence on the heart that reveals itself on the outside. It is the glory of God working in your life; the outworking of His inward influence in you. When this divine influence is at work in your life, you’ll begin to see extra-ordinary success revealed on the outside. You may be good at what you do presently but when grace comes in, it takes you to a whole new level".

"Frame your world by the Word (Hebrews 11:3).The Word of God is so complete, so sound and dependable. You can use the Word to chart the course of your life. It produces in you that which it talks about. Get a hold of the Word. Let it dwell in you richly. Let it grow and prevail in your life until you are totally influenced by it".

"Faith is the response of the human spirit to the Word of God. It is always a product of our consciousness of His personality, knowing who He is, His greatness and power. Faith activates the anointing and ignites the power of God. Once the anointing takes over, it’s beyond your reasoning. It drives fear and doubt away and makes available more than enough power to help you achieve the things you plan to achieve".


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