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Showing posts from March, 2014

Glory Departed

This is an extract from Ravi Zacharias' podcast "Ichabod, Where is the Glory? (part 2 of 4)" "The glory is departing because righteousness has not yet been internalized by you. "Righteousness became a set of laws and they measured themselves by a piece of paper. If they could check off a, b, c, d, and e externally, then they saw themselves righteous, they never wanted to look into their hearts if internally they were right before almighty God. Let me show you how this developed: "In the 3rd century, there was a plurality of questions being raised by people about what righteousness really was. And the Israelite sophisticated thinkers began to say, you know we've got all these laws but we don't understand them. So they began to develop a kind of a scholarship, or a hierarchy that would explain to the masses what righteousness really was. And the scholarship began to deal with laws and more laws and more laws, commentaries and commentaries and ...